The Swedish Legal System
Holding down the roof for you, the valued customer
For four years, The Swedish Legal System painstakingly crafted their unique brand of socialized music for you, the valued customer. Hailing from the pop paradise of Sweden, these brave men tackled any song, any place, any time.
After each song was perfected, an accompanying video was produced for you, the valued customer. These proved quite popular; The SLS fielded multiple endorsement offers. In an effort to leave no customer unsatisfied, they accepted all of them.
When not precisely coordinating their wardrobes, The SLS remained active members of their local intramural speedwalking league. This kept them in tremendous physical condition, which allowed them to safely execute the stunts seen in their videos.
Should you, the valued customer, ever have any questions or suggestions for The Swedish Legal System, by all means feel free to send an email. Your correspondence will be treated like the valuable communication it is.