Yikes! A Billy Bite!
Billy will size you up.
I once read a book entitled Artists Beware. It addressed the good number of hazards artists encounter- all in their own studios. Last night, however, I was not thinking of hazards when I volunteered to help John with a photographic series. He's been compiling stunning images for a calendar combining his two favorite things - cats and vintage guitars. Like all calendar candidates, Billy has been enjoying our posh "sleep-away" camp for photogenic cats. When I reached down to greet him, this furry fellow scored six deep puncture wounds. I can tell you that it wasn't such a great idea to go on the web looking for information about cat bites, either. Yikes! A Billybite! Well, I've had a good life... As instructed, I drew a circle around each reddened area to note if the infection grows or subsides. John later confided, "Billy says he's sorry..."
Billy will tattoo your arm for you.